I'm afraid I am too buried in homework to provide a lengthy or detailed story about Halloween, but this picture pretty much says it all -- I went to Cornwall-on-Hudson to visit my nephews, and we went trick-or-treating, and they were wildly popular and successful at taking the candy. I had a delightful time.
This is going to be a very rough few days ahead, as my classmates and I have been repeatedly warned. Lots of assignments due simultaneously. Not helping matters is that I had a sudden change of heart about some data I had collected and decided to re-collect and expand it, which took several additional hours ... hours that, probably, weren't necessary. I can be more specific about what I'm talking about tomorrow, after we've all turned in our assignments. :-)
And now it's on to another assignment, which I will tackle boldly until my eyes can't stay open (i.e. 15 minutes).
! Elmo looks absolutely thrilled to be in such good company ! How seriously cute are they? I'm so glad you get to see your niece and nephews more, that's so cool!