It snowed in New Haven sometime in mid-October, but I was in Florida and missed it. So tonight's snow was the first one of the season I have seen (although it was snowing in March when I was here for my interview). Last night I had a dream it snowed. Coincidence??? No, because I think I had heard a forecast.
Anyway, thinking of my loyal readers, I wrapped my laptop in a towel and went out there for a few moments to capture it, after several failed attempts to capture it from inside. (Incidentally, what the? It's so odd to be standing in a doorway and looking at a pretty heavy snowfall, then point a webcam at it, record, play it back and see no snow. I blame the ghosts.)
Enjoy! Or tolerate, or ignore. Whatevs.
So this is what grad school is doing to you. Looking forward to the sequel (maybe Jan or Feb?).