Thursday, December 17, 2009


Exams are over! The semester is over!! I'm free!!!

To do what, I'm not sure. Right now I'm having a gin and tonic. In a few days, I'll go to Florida, and I'll be hanging there for three weeks.

It's a great feeling of accomplishment to know that I made it through what is supposedly the hardest of the four semesters in the MBA program. It's also a little sad, too, because even though I may complain from time to time, I really am loving this whole experience, and I know it will be over before I know it.

The final final, Sourcing & Managing Funds, was (a) the one for which I was least-prepared, (b) the class whose material most confused me, but was (c) the exam I finished in the shortest amount of time and (d) the exam that I think, objectively, was the easiest. I suppose that, somehow, knowledge did manage to trickle into my brain.

Next semester, when I get back from break, we have three more required first-year courses in the "Organizational Perspectives" -- Employee, The Operations Engine, and The Global Macroeconomy. In addition to those, I'm taking two electives: Financial Reporting, and Statistical Modeling. I may drop one, because we really only need to take one elective; I just thought both would be useful.

Anyway, enough of that. Time to eat up having the night off ... maybe I'll hit the cinema.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, hon! I can't wait to see you!!! Have a safe trip :)
