Friday, August 20, 2010

Cheese and macaroni

Yash An exciting Thursday yielded only one photo -- Yash, Yale School of Management Class of 2010. Let me explain a bit. It turned out that one of my fellow AP interns, Ben, is very close friends with two people a year ahead of me in school. So an ongoing joke throughout the summer was that when I was with either of his friends, which happened a lot, I would send him a text message with their picture; those friends would also send him a picture of me. Then on occasions when Ben would be with them, he would send me a picture of them, or when he was with me, he'd send them a picture of me, and so forth. It's one of those jokes that doesn't have a punchline, really. But as I result, 98% of the photos on my phone are of Yash.

Anyway, I saw Yash last night at a mixer for the Classes of 2010, 2011 and 2012. The '12ers were in New York as the capstone of their orientation. I loved the day in New York last year; I visited Time Warner, and we got to spend time with Jeff Bewkes, the CEO and a Yale alum. That was also the night I met Kim, who is now my dear friend and, appropriately, the person I accompanied to last night's event. Awww. I like full circles.

Before the meet-up, Kim and I finally tried S'Mac, a mac-and-cheese restaurant at which I've wanted to stuff my fat face all summer. It was better than I expected. They serve lots of different types of mac-and-cheese with various cheeses and add-in options (like ground beef, spinach, chicken, olives, roasted figs, etc.), in a hot skillet. Salty and satisfying. I will miss Kim this fall because she's spending the semester at London School of Economics.

Today is my last day at AP. This was a great internship. I saw the inner workings of the company, met lots of nice people and contributed what I hope were worthwhile deliverables. Some MBA internships end with firm full-time offers. Not AP, although they encourage us to keep in touch in case there are fitting opportunities in the spring. I would be happy to come back, although the nature of recruiting, the weakness of the job market and common sense all suggest I not shut any doors just yet. I'm not ruling anything out, especially with another year of school to go. Who knows what subject might pique my interest.

1 comment:

  1. There was such a restaurant in St. Louis, called Cheese-ology, and I heard it was pretty good. However, they failed to have any air conditioning on the hot July evening I chose to give it a try, so I went down the street to Noodles and Co. for their mac and cheese. I meant to return but then I left the state.
