Thursday, August 12, 2010

Toodles to Sunnyside

Lincoln Center Pictured is Lincoln Center, a performing arts venue not terribly far from where I'll be living next week on the Upper West Side. You see, my internship at AP is 12 weeks long, but my apartment lease was 11 weeks. So I must, unfortunately, vacate my dwelling in Sunnyside, Queens.

Fortunately for me, my friend Meg and her boyfriend happen to be out of town next week, and they're kindly letting me crash in their UWS studio. This will make my commute to work radically shorter and more direct, and the area looks like a lot of fun, so I'm looking forward to it.

Mark It was a busy week. On Tuesday I spent some time with my friend Mark, who is interning at Sony this summer. We had wine and cheese fondue at Kashkaval, which was pretty good (great cheese, not the most impressive assortment of meats and veggies). Then we ended up at a rather strange cave-like oasis called Shalel Lounge, which came complete with a babbling indoor brook and several private enclaves with cushions.

On Wednesday I met up for a wine with a friend I made earlier in the summer on the 7 train -- yes, I made a friend on the train. So what? He lives in the neighborhood. And he's considering SOM, so he may be up in New Haven in a couple weeks. See what happens when you just chat people up? I'm convinced that people want to meet people; they just act like they don't sometimes. Some people genuinely don't, I guess. But who cares about them?

Summer happy hours at the Yale Club are over.And tonight I brought a co-worker to the Yale Club's final Thursday night happy hour of the summer. Guesss they can't afford to give away all that buffet food throughout the year. This was a good perk, I must say. It was nice having a regular weekly place to catch up with people and relax, several stories above the riff raff.

Now it's on to cleaning and getting ready to leave. I hope to be out of here shortly after work tomorrow because I have to be at Foxwoods casino at 7:15 a.m. Saturday. No, I don't have a gambling problem. Details to come. Anyway, I developed genuine affection for Sunnyside over these 11 weeks and will miss it. If ever I live in New York again, Sunnyside will be on my list of options. But, you know, so will everywhere else.

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