Next we had a short break before visiting Cochlear, a company that manufactures implants for people with hearing loss -- not to be confused with hearing aids, which amplify sound. Cochlear implants use digital technology to recreate sounds and send messages to the brain, or something. This was the first company we've visited that prohibited photography. Then we ended the day at Macquarie, a bank that was uncharacteristically profitable during the global financial crisis. I have to admit I didn't follow much of that presentation, although I did make good on the challenge to myself to ask a question.
We have an early start tomorrow before we head to Cairns. It's going to be a great weekend, if I start feeling better! I can't believe I'm still so run down ... sore and achy, and it gets worse throughout the day. I thought it would go away on its own, but no. The plan in Cairns involves visiting the Great Barrier Reef and snorkeling and all kinds of fun goodies, so I demand health! Send me your health!
lay out plans for what the city will look like in 2030 The design is superb.
nice layout.gud to see this